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The Untrapped Podcast With Keith Kalfas

Welcome to the Untrapped Podcast with Keith Kalfas

Feb 28, 2022

Money has long been the biggest indicator people tie with success, but just like anybody else, I had this point in life where I feared raising prices. I had low-paying customers years back. Some even got mad when I decided to upgrade my service, requiring more pieces of their cash. But then I realized I only had them...

Feb 23, 2022

The hardships my wife and I went through back when I was still afraid to raise my price is a phase I’ll never want to experience again in life. It wasn’t easy. With some clients, I even needed to say goodbye. Nevertheless, it’s a decision I won’t ever regret making; it changed my life. It took me lots of courage...

Feb 14, 2022

Wanting to achieve success so much, people waste time thinking about how to do this, manage all these, and get things right. Well, let me tell you now. The question should be who, not how. It’s not how you can fix the situation; it’s finding people who can help you thrive where you wish to be and what you wish to...

Feb 7, 2022

The new way to market your business is imperative when everything becomes technology-based. To film commercials, some people purchase high-end cameras. Others use their smartphones. A few hire professionals to achieve better results. But, in the end, no matter what the equipment is, it's the quality of the result that...

Feb 1, 2022

Reaching your business’ 100k mark is indeed a huge milestone to celebrate; however, behind the bright light of that success is actually the start of numerous challenges you should overcome as you continue to scale your business. Of course, you’ll do lots of things and might even get frustrated. But remember, growth...